Friday, June 5, 2020


LockDown is a situation you confined yourself inside your surroundings only. All the movements are restricted and no further activities are allowed.  Human is expected to remain at home or wherever they are at the time of its announcement. Vehicles are stopped. Institutions are closed. Borders are sealed. Restaurants are closed. Shops are forced to close down. Travels are banned. Restrictions imposed to move one place to another place. The only objective of LockDown is to avoid the risk of the Corona Virus which is spreading rapidly all over the world.
LockDown is a new word and this so much popular to each and every one. Even those, who do not understand simple English words, are able to speak those two words. Not only pronounce it, they understand its meaning too. This is because all the people on the planet are affected by Corona Virus and government of each nation decided to impose LockDown to mitigate the risk of spreading scary Covid-19 Corona Virus.
Due to this new disease, people are suffering and more than three hundred thousand (300000) died globally and more than 6500000 are infected at the time of this writing.  This disease is originated in Wuhan City Hubei Province of China in December 2019 and started to affect the people. In order to avoid and stop the risk of this disease, the Chinese Government announced Lock Down on that particular city for a few months. Then they rapidly tested people to found out whether they were infected or not. Other governments also imposed the same modality. This model is also advised by the Health Professional and expert including World Health Organization (WHO).
As the present world is connected to each other due to the available of the easy transport facilities and people are moving in place to another, this easy transport makes not only possible for people to travel, this also became the major problem to carry deadly viruses by the people and hence the spread of this virus is unprecedented all over the world.  
During this LockDown period, hospitals are open. Pharmacies are open. Doctors, nurses, other staff are working. Security forces are working. Despite the probability of infection of the Corona Virus, those people are working to treat the people. We are just staying at home safely. But those people are working and we really thanked and appreciate them. Besides hospitals and pharmacies, foods and grocery shops are open in the limited time every day such as 7-10 in the morning.
As the times of the LockDown are extending from one week to one month to 3 months, people started to suffer more because of other problems such as scarcity of food due to the shortfall of the available job and money. People are likely to die due to hunger than the danger of the Corona Virus. So, governments all over the world are trying to be flexible on LockDown. Modalities of the movements of the people are likely to come soon. Then the economic activities will come into movement and life will likely be normal soon. But, social distancing and other health measure issues are needed to maintain by the individual person.

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